Accessibility at TRIO

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A micrograph of In Vitro Fertilization.

TRIO FERTILITY is committed to accessibility and to protecting the human rights of its employees and patients. In support of this aim, TRIO FERTILITY has implemented an accommodation process that provides accommodations for employees and patients with disabilities. TRIO FERTILITY will accommodate employees and patients with disabilities up to the point of undue hardship.

TRIO FERTILITY is committed to supporting a culture that promotes a positive and safe environment for an out of hospital premises to our patients, employees, and affiliates within our organization. TRIO FERTILITY is committed to providing accessible patient care and integration to individuals with disabilities consistent with the principles of understanding acceptance and inclusion.

TRIO FERTILITY supports a barrier-free workplace supported by TRIO FERTILITY’s accessibility plan, accommodation and disability management policies and procedures.  TRIO FERTILITY Fertility’s vision is to be the fertility clinic that defines service excellence for all.

TRIO Fertility Accessibility Plan

The TRIO Fertility Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (2017 to 2021) (PDF, 156 KB)

Under AODA, TRIO FERTILITY is responsible to:

  • Develop an annual accessibility update
  • Ensure the update is available to Employees and Affiliates
  • Develop strategies to address barriers identified through feedback, legislated requirements, and continuous improvement
  • Safeguard the strategies with an action plan for implementation by TRIO FERTILITY Accessibility Advisory Committee


TRIO FERTILITY will provide the opportunity for all patients and their family members, employees, volunteers, and members of the community to identify needs (related to disabilities) that would benefit from accommodation in a manner that supports the dignity of the individual through the following:

  • People with disabilities entering TRIO FERTILITY and reaching their destination without encountering barriers
  • People with disabilities receiving the services they require without encountering barriers
  • People with disabilities working without encountering barriers
  • Accessibility being integrated throughout TRIO FERTILITY’s policies and procedures A feedback process enabling continued improvement
  • Accessibility is everyone’s responsibility

Provision of Goods and Services to Person with Disabilities

Assistive Devices for Patients who are hearing impaired

  • Ensuring that all customers receive the same value and quality;
  • Allowing customers with disabilities to do things in their own ways, at their own pace when accessing goods and services as long as this does not present a safety risk;
  • Using alternative methods when possible to ensure that customers with disabilities have access to the same services, in the same place and in a similar manner;
  • Taking into account individual needs when providing goods and services; and
  • Communicating in a manner that takes into account the customer’s disability.


An assistive device for patients who are hearing impaired is available to those who require it. The use of this device may enable patients to more fully participate in their care.

  1. Pocket Talker is a portable personal communications device that improves the listening experience for a hard-of-hearing person who does not wear a hearing aid. Worn with simple earphones it amplifies the sound to enable your patient to communicate with you.  The Pocket Talker is available upon request at the reception desk on both the 11thand 18thfloor.
  2. Patients are encouraged to request the Pocket Talker during the check-in process whenever they are being seen at TRIO FERTILITY.   Staff involved in this process should be sensitive to the special needs of patients and may ask patients if they require this assistive device.
  3. It is the responsibility of the staff issuing the Pocket Talker to ensure that it is properly cleaned/sterilized and returned to its designated area after use.  Patients should be informed by staff that the device is the property of TRIO FERTILITY to be used only when they are on site.
  4. Patients with a hearing or speech disability who are home subscribers of the Teletypewriter (TTY) relay service can telephone TRIO FERTILITY through a relay operator.  The relay operator communicates with the person who has a hearing or speech disability via text and conveys the information to the other party via voice.  Conversely, TRIO FERTILITY staff may call the person with the disability through the same service by dialling 1-800-855-0511 to reach a TTY relay operator.

Printed Floor Plan and Signage

  • Printed Floor Plan on each floor (11th and 18th) posted at elevators and electronically in the Dream building lobby.
  • Signage is in place to meet accessibility standards for the clarity and safety of patients and staff. This is updated and replaced as required.

Workplace Emergency Response Information

  • Emergency procedures and public safety information are provided to patients and staff in accessible formats and upon request.
  • Provide individualized emergency response information to employees who self–identify as having disabilities. TRIO Fertility Participates in regular fire evacuation testing and self-identified employees with disabilities are treated as described in the fire plan.
  • Emergency evacuation plans for employees with disabilities will be shared with their manager, security and colleagues. Assistants are designated during testing according to fire and emergency plan.

Notice of Temporary Disruptions

  • In the event services are temporarily unavailable or anticipated, TRIO FERTILITY will provide public notice and support if required.
  • Notice: “Disruption in Service” information form is attached for use to post on an external website and in locations near the disruption


  • Volunteers available to escort patients and others when required Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday to Sunday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., contact TRIO Fertility Patient Services ext 2251.

Directory Signs

  • Where: Inside DREAM property lobby of 655 Bay St First Floor Entrance Doors. An electronic composite of tenants in the corporate side of the building is accessible in the lobby.

Accessible Entrances and Wheel-Trans Drop off and Pick Up

  • Accessible ramps are available on both, 38 Elm Street and 655 Bay Street
  • Wheel-Trans drop-off and pick-up can be accessible at 38 Elm Street.
  • Doors are equipped with push-button activated doors and wheelchair accessible ramps

Accessible Parking

  • Designated spaces provided by DREAM property (Underground parking)  for All Visitors, patients and staff, for wheelchair accessibility.

Accessible Elevators

  • Accessible and equipped with audio tones and Braille provided by DREAM property

Handrails / Bumpers

  • In Recovery and OR areas and in designated washrooms and exam rooms.

Care of IVF Patients

  • Portable Stretcher, Wheelchair, Gurney, Medical Crash cart, AED available.
  • Phlebotomy chairs are accessible to all patients.
  • Operating Room, Recovery area and Bathrooms accessible along with Emergency assist buttons.
  • Standard Operating Procedures and Policies for IVF patient care developed and implemented.

Assistive Devices and Assistive Devices Provided by TRIO Fertility

  • Members of the public are welcome to use their own personal assistive devices to access services (this includes service animals) when /as needed.
  • The following assistive devices are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and upon request, to assist customers in accessing our goods and services:
    • Wheelchairs

KIOSK Registration

  • Registration computer is Accessible to wheelchair height, (staff available at any time to assist ALL patients). Signage is listed providing assistance if needed at the front desk.
  • Administration access is available to ALL patients and employees.
  • For Privacy and Confidentiality purposes, an accessible visible waiting line is present at the administrative reception area along with signage
  • 2 wheelchair-accessible areas are identified in the waiting room (wheelchair symbols).

Interpreter Services

  • Language translation services are limited, patients are advised to bring an interpreter

(Support person) as needed.

Policy for Service Animals

Guide Dogs, Service Animals and Service Dogs

A customer with a disability that is accompanied by a guide dog, service animal or service dog will be allowed access to premises that are open to the public unless otherwise excluded by law. “No pet” policies do not apply to guide dogs, service animals and/or service dogs.

Exclusion Guidelines:

If a guide dog, service animal or service dog is excluded by law (see applicable laws below) Trio Fertility will offer alternative methods to enable the person with a disability to access goods and services, when possible (for example, securing the animal in a safe location and offering the guidance of an employee).

Recognizing a Guide Dog, Service Dog and/or Service Animal:

If it is not readily apparent that the animal is being used by the customer for reasons relating to his or her disability, Trio Fertility may request verification from the customer.

Care and Control of the Animal:

The customer who is accompanied by a guide dog, service dog and/or service animal is responsible for maintaining care and control of the animal at all times.


If a health and safety concern presents itself for example in the form of a severe allergy to the animal, Trio Fertility will make all reasonable efforts to meet the needs of all individuals.

TRIO Fertility Commitment & Responsibilities

  • TRIO FERTILITY reviews existing policies and Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2005 (AODA) regularly, and as needed.
  • TRIO FERTILITY ensures practices are consistent with the core principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality of opportunity
  • TRIO FERTILITY implements, monitor’s and evaluates compliance of Accessibility Standards as mandated.
  • TRIO FERTILITY ensures the staff understand the accessibility standards and are aware of procedure for back up accommodation or to notify patients/clients/staff should accessibility be temporarily out of service (i.e.) elevator down.

Human Resources Services

  • Identify training needs, related to accessibility, and ensures all records of training/attendance sheets are in Human Resources for record-keeping.
  • Review policies and procedures related to Accessibility Standards and updates as needed or required.
  • Ensure HR practices are consistent with Accessibility Standards and updated as needed and required.

Accessibility Advisory Committee

  • The report, as required by legislation, the implementation of Accessibility Standards to the Ontario government.
  • Update the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (2017-2021)

Physicians, Employees, Affiliates

  • Participate in required education related to the Accessibility Standards.
  • Forward feedback from patients and employees regarding the Accessibility Standards to the Human Resources Dept or to the Accessibility Advisory Committee

Patients and Employee

  • Self identify if there is a disability for which they require assistance accessing TRIO Fertility services.

Feedback Measurement and Methods

Patients, Customers and Visitors

TRIO Fertility shall provide customers with the opportunity to provide feedback on the service provided to customers with disabilities. Information about the feedback process will be readily available to all customers and notice of the process will be made available by posted communication.  Feedback forms along with alternate methods of providing feedback such as verbally (in person or by telephone) or written (handwritten, delivered, website or email), will be available upon request.

Submitting Feedback

Customers can submit feedback to:

Deborah Myers, CAO

416.506.0804 ext 3272

655 Bay Street, Suite 1800, Toronto, ON, M5G 2K4

Customers who wish to provide feedback can verbally do so to any TRIO Fertility employee.

Customers who provide feedback will receive acknowledgement of their feedback, along with any resulting actions based on concerns or complaints that were submitted.

Employees can connect with the AODA Committee on WORKPLACE or contact any committee member in person or by email to

The Accessibility Advisory Committee meets quarterly. During these meetings, feedback in its various forms is a standing agenda item to consult and document action planning taken toward continual improvement. Walk-rounds will occur during meetings by the Accessibility Advisory Committee to audit accessible standards at TRIO Fertility. During these walk-rounds, team members may include representation from persons with disabilities (patient, employee, and/or community member) or external resources (e.g. CNIB). These will result in gap assessment and further feedback for planning improvements and recommendations.