OHIP Funding for Fertility Patients

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A micrograph of In Vitro Fertilization.

Ontario Fertility Program Funding

In 2015, the Ontario government launched the Ontario Fertility Program to provide funding to help eligible patients build their families. Access to funded fertility services is available for all forms of infertility (including medical and non-medical infertility), regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or family status.

Every single patient will have a different fertility journey. This also means that when the program says it will cover one full IVF cycle, the services that make up that cycle will vary from person to person. Your TRIO physician will determine an appropriate treatment plan for you.

Funding is available for the following:

  • Fertility Preservation: The freezing of eggs or sperm before a medical procedure that will negatively impact fertility, such as chemotherapy or gender reaffirming surgery. Fertility preservation is eligible for funding for those who qualify once per lifetime.
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI): A procedure in which sperm is injected directly into the uterus via a catheter. This treatment is eligible for funding for those who qualify with no set limit for the number of tries.
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): Eggs are retrieved and fertilized with sperm outside of the body. The embryo is then transferred to the uterus. This treatment is eligible for funding for those who qualify once per lifetime.
A photograph of a smiling receptionist.

Coverage for Fertility Treatments

Every patient will have a different fertility journey. Some benefit from intrauterine insemination (IUI), while others need in vitro fertilization (IVF). This also means that when the program says it will cover one full IVF cycle, the services that make up that cycle will vary from person to person. Your TRIO physician and medical team will determine an appropriate treatment plan for you and review any questions you may have.

Below, we review what is covered by government funding and what is not.

All Fertility Treatments

Treatments Covered

  • Physician/nurse assessments and counselling
  • Certain blood and urine tests
  • Certain Ultrasounds

Treatments Not Covered

  • Any drugs or medications
  • Storage or shipping of eggs/sperm/embryos
  • Counselling by a psychologist or social worker
  • Various optional tests

Various Optional Tests

To be eligible for funding you must be an Ontario resident with a valid OHIP card.

Treatments Covered

  • Cycle monitoring
  • Insemination procedure (excluding sperm washing)

Treatments Not Covered

  • Sperm washing/preparation before insemination
  • Purchase, shipping, or storage of donor sperm

Fertility Preservation

To be eligible for funding you must be an Ontario resident with a valid OHIP card. and have a medical reason for fertility preservation and be less than 43 years old.

Treatments Covered

  • Up to two attempts at cycle monitoring
  • One attempt at egg retrieval
  • Freezing of one batch/sample of eggs or sperm
  • Sperm collection or, if required, one attempt at surgical sperm retrieval using certain techniques

Treatments Not Covered

  • Preservation of additional batches/samples of eggs or sperm

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

To be eligible for funding you must be an Ontario resident with a valid OHIP card. You also need to be under 43 years of age and are only eligible for one funded IVF cycle per lifetime.

Treatments Covered

  • Up to two attempts at cycle monitoring
  • Embryo freezing, thawing and culture
  • One attempt at surgical sperm retrieval using certain techniques (if required)
  • Fertilization and embryology services, including intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), assisted hatching and blastocyst culture
  • One-at-a-time transfer of all embryos (fresh/frozen)

Treatments Not Covered

  • Purchase of donor sperm or eggs
  • Storage or shipping of eggs/sperm/embryos
  • Any services performed on other people participating in the patient’s funded IVF cycle, if they do not also hold a valid Ontario health card.

Knowing When Your Funded Cycle Starts and Ends

The funded IVF cycle includes the one-at-a-time transfer of all viable embryos from one start point to the first endpoints.

IVF Funding Start Points:

Undergo an egg retrieval.

or next funding starting point

Have a donor undergo egg retrieval for you.

or next funding starting point

Use previously-retrieved eggs (own or donor).

or next funding starting point

Use previously-created embryos (own or donor).

IVF Funding End Points:

Two cycle monitoring attempts with no egg retrieval.

or next funding end point

One failed egg retrieval.

or next funding end point

One failed surgical sperm retrieval and no alternate sperm source is chosen.


Fertilization and culture of all eggs from cycle start resulted in no viable embryos to transfer.

or next funding end point

Thawing/culture of all frozen embryos from cycle start resulted in no viable embryos to transfer.

or next funding end point

Transfers of all viable embryos (fresh & frozen) from cycle start were performed or are no longer available.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Eligibility for the program is not restricted by sex, gender, orientation, family status, or the choice to use the services of a surrogate.
You will need a referral to become a patient at TRIO. Your TRIO doctor will put you on the funded wait list. You can download a referral form for your doctor on our website.
You would need to cover these drug costs yourself or through your private health plan, if applicable. Speak with your health insurance provider to find out if costs are covered and which ones.
Ontario is only funding one IVF cycle per patient. Ontario's definition of "IVF cycle" includes the one-at-a-time transfer of all viable fresh and frozen embryos to allow for the possibility of multiple chances for pregnancy.
Yes! For IUI, the program covers services for patients using donor sperm but does not cover the cost to purchase donor sperm. For IVF, egg and sperm donor can qualify, but it varies according to a patient’s unique situation. Our third party coordinator can discuss your details with you to see if and how you may qualify.
No. Access to IVF-related services for fertility preservation, such as egg or sperm preservation, will be offered for medical reasons only. An example of a medical reason would be if someone is undergoing cancer treatment and will be at direct risk for infertility as a result.
A multiple pregnancy (twins/triplets) presents health risks for mothers and babies. There is a mandatory single embryo transfer policy for funded IVF, although there are some exceptions based on patient age and other medical criteria.
Yes. TRIO has a waitlist policy to manage patients seeking funded services. When your TRIO doctor puts you on our waitlist, you will find out exactly how long the wait will be.

Patient Stories

“On June 20, 2020, our dream came true. Our beautiful baby girl arrived into the world and filled our hearts with so much love — love we never realized we had until now. She is perfect and we are in awe of her every single day. Dr. Cadesky and his amazing team made this happen. The overall IVF process took about 7 months from our initial consultation with Dr. Cadesky to the successful frozen embryo transfer. The waiting is tough, and we know first-hand how difficult it is to stay positive and hopeful, but our story is truly a success and we hope it helps anyone reading this.

From the bottom of our hearts, we cannot thank everyone at TRIO Fertility Clinic enough.”

A photograph of a baby.
K&S, Patients