A micrograph of In Vitro Fertilization.

Egg Freezing

Egg quality and quantity diminish over time, making it increasingly difficult to conceive as someone gets older. Egg freezing can be a helpful strategy for those who want to delay having children, or the decision to do so, but would like the option of starting a family in the future, when the time is right.

Our egg freezing services are provided by our sister clinic, EVOLVE. It is the first and only clinic in Canada that is solely devoted to egg freezing. Visit their website to learn more or book online to speak with an EVOLVE nurse.

Ideal Candidates for Egg Freezing

There are many reasons that patients may explore egg freezing, such as:

  • Time to find the right partner
  • History of endometriosis
  • Educational, career, or personal goals
  • Family history of early menopause
  • Chronic or genetic conditions
  • Chemotherapy
  • Gender transition
  • Other personal reasons
Photo of person in blue hat and black and white sweater

Egg Freezing Treatment Process

Following an initial fertility assessment and diagnostic testing at EVOLVE, the egg freezing process begins. Here is what a typical egg freezing cycle involves:


Medications are administered to stimulate the follicles (the sacs in the ovaries that contain eggs) to grow. The medical team will closely monitor you during this time to ensure that the ovaries are responding well.


“Trigger” Medication

When the follicles have grown to an ideal size, a trigger shot is administered, which is a hormone similar to that made by the body to mature the eggs and start the ovulation process. When correctly timed, this helps to mature the eggs so they’re ready for collection (also known as egg retrieval).


Egg Retrieval

You will be placed under a light sedation and the EVOLVE physician will gently extract the eggs from the ovaries. It’s normal to feel a little groggy after the egg collection, so patients need someone to pick them up afterwards. It is advised to rest for a couple of days following the retrieval.


Egg Freezing

A specially trained embryologist will freeze all suitable, mature eggs using a rapid-freezing method called vitrification.


Follow Up

After the egg retrieval, the EVOLVE team checks in with you to see how you’re feeling. You will also discuss how the egg freezing cycle went and next steps. For example, some patients may opt to have multiple egg freezing cycles.


Using the Eggs

When you decide to use your eggs, you will be prepped for a fertility treatment cycle at TRIO. Learn more about what to expect during an In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) cycle here.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you know you don’t want to start a family right now, but might in the future, then freezing your eggs will improve your chances of success later if you have IVF. That’s because as you get older, the quality and quantity of your eggs decreases, which can make it more difficult to become pregnant. By freezing your eggs in your late-20s to mid-30s, you will have the best possible chances of conception when you’re ready.

The likelihood of becoming pregnant with frozen eggs will depend on many factors, such as the number of eggs you have in storage and how old you were when you froze them. For example, research suggests that a person who froze 20 eggs when they were 30-34 years old may have an 82% chance of having at least one child if they choose to use those eggs in the future. Your EVOLVE team will discuss potential success rates with you based on your unique circumstances.

Yes! Egg freezing is a very safe procedure that only leads to minimal discomfort. Patients may experience temporary side effects like bloating, headaches, and mood swings, while taking the stimulation drugs. A small group of patients (around 1.4%) will develop a side effect called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). There is no evidence to suggest that egg freezing has any negative outcomes for baby or the pregnancy.

There is no time limit on how long your eggs can stay frozen. Because the eggs are kept at such cool temperatures (-196C), their quality does not decrease no matter how long you decide to keep them in storage.

Patient Stories

“I couldn't be happier with the care I received at this clinic. From the personalized approach to patient care to the thorough and comprehensive treatment, the staff at truly went above and beyond. Their professionalism, empathy, and expertise made me feel comfortable and supported throughout my egg freezing journey.”

Fertility team icon.
S.T. EVOLVE Patient