Embryo Donation at TRIO
Embryo donation offers a pathway to parenthood for many individuals. At TRIO, we facilitate the embryo donation process with care and expertise. Our program includes:
- Known Embryo Donation: Patients can donate excess embryos to a recipient of their choice, who must be a current patient at TRIO.
- Matched Embryo Donation: For those without a specific recipient in mind, we match donors with recipients within our patient community.
When to Consider Embryo Donation
When considering using donated embryos:
- Individuals or couples who have untreatable infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss related to the embryos, or genetic disorders affecting one or both partners.
- Embryo donation can also be used to help build families in same-sex couples or individuals.
- Individuals or couples who meet the clinic’s requirements and assessment criteria for using donated embryos.
- Intended parents who are comfortable with the legal and counselling processes involved in embryo donation, including fees for coordination, legal, and counselling services.
- Individuals or couples who have had at least one unsuccessful IVF cycle.
- Individuals or couples who do not currently have any frozen embryos.
- The prospective recipient(s) must be a TRIO patient.
When to consider donating your embryos:
- Donors may have more embryos than they need for their family planning goals and prefer to donate them, rather than leave them in storage or destroy them.
- Donors who wish to help another couple or individual achieve pregnancy for altruistic reasons, without expecting compensation.
- Those who are willing to undergo the legal, counselling, and matching process to ensure a suitable recipient for their donated embryos.
- Donors who have a minimum of 2 excess frozen embryos and are at least one year post-partum.

The Embryo Donation Process for Intended Parents
Referral From Your Physician
Your TRIO physician can refer you to the Embryo Donation program to learn more. This initial step helps guide you toward the necessary resources and information to get started.
Initial Consultation
You will meet with the Embryo Donation Nurse to discuss the process and requirements. During this meeting, you’ll be able to ask questions and understand the journey ahead.
Complete Forms and Review Consents
Fill out the Embryo Recipient Information Form to facilitate matching with potential donors. This helps us find the best match for your needs and preferences.
Counselling Session
Complete a mandatory counselling session to help both donors and recipients understand the emotional and legal aspects of embryo donation. If patients find a match, there is a follow-up counselling session. This ensures that everyone involved is well-informed and comfortable with the process.
Genetic Screening and Testing Update (Donors)
Undergo genetic carrier screening to assess the embryos. This step is important to ensure that any risk of passing on a genetic disease or disorder is greatly reduced.
Review Potential Matches
The next step is to review potential matches and select a donor. The donor and the recipient must mutually agree upon matches. This collaborative process ensures that both parties feel confident in the match.
Legal Process
You will be referred to a lawyer who handles the legal aspect of your journey. Legal agreements are established to establish ownership of the embryos and ensure clear terms for all parties involved. After the legal process, there are TRIO consents that need to be signed. These documents protect everyone's rights and clarify responsibilities.
Preparation and Embryo Transfer
Consult with your TRIO physician to prepare for the embryo transfer. A donor embryo transfer is prepared using a similar method to a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET). The intended parent or carrier will do bloodwork and take medication to prepare their uterus for the implantation of the embryo. Your TRIO medical team will guide you through each step.
Frequently Asked Questions for Recipients
Is embryo donation legal in Canada?
Yes. It is legal and must be done altruistically.
Is embryo donation open to everyone?
TRIO's donation program is open to TRIO patients only. If you wish to use donated embryos from another clinic, then they must be received by TRIO in your name. Prospective donors and recipients will need to be assessed and meet the clinic's requirements.
Is there a fee for receiving donated embryos?
While there is no fee for the embryos themselves, recipients are responsible for an Embryo Donation Coordination fee, legal fees, and counselling fees. The total fee for recipients includes the coordination fee, legal fees, and counseling fees.
What is the counselling process for recipients?
Recipients undergo mandatory counselling sessions with a counselor specific to embryo donation. Counseling is aimed at ensuring recipients understand the process and potential implications of embryo donation.
Can recipients withdraw from the program?
Recipients can withdraw from the program by contacting the clinic in writing. Depending on the stage of the process, they may be eligible for a partial refund of the coordination fee.
What legal steps are involved for recipients?
Recipients must have legal agreements in place before the ownership of embryos is transferred to them. Legal agreements are separate for both parties involved in the donation and must be completed with legal counsel.
How much communication will I have with the donor/recipient?
The level of openness is up to the prospective recipient and the donor. This will be explored in depth in the counselling sessions.
Who do I contact to learn more?
Please email embryodonation@triofertility.com
Frequently Asked Questions for Donors
Who can donate embryos?
Patients who have embryos in excess of their own reproductive needs and meet the clinic's requirements and assessment criteria can donate embryos. Donors must undergo counseling, testing, and legal processes as outlined by the clinic.
What is the counselling process for recipients?
Recipients undergo mandatory counselling sessions with a counselor specific to embryo donation. Counseling is aimed at ensuring recipients understand the process and potential implications of embryo donation.
Is there compensation for donating embryos?
No, embryo donation is strictly altruistic, and donors do not receive compensation for donating their embryos.
Can I choose the recipients of my embryos?
Embryo donations are done through known or matched donation. Donors either have a recipient in mind or are matched with a recipient through the clinic. Recipients must be current patients of the clinic and meet necessary requirements.
What happens if I change my mind about donating?
Donors can withdraw their consent at any time before the recipient signs their consent. They can do so by contacting the clinic in writing.
What happens if my embryos were created using an anonymous egg donor?
If the embryos were created using an anonymous egg donor, they are eligible for donation only if the donor has consented to it. If not, efforts can be made to contact the donor to request consent or involve the agency to facilitate communication.
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