Surrogacy Program at TRIO
Using a gestational carrier, also referred to as a surrogate, involves transferring an embryo to a third party to carry the pregnancy to term. When finding a surrogate, options include using a surrogacy agency or personal connections, such as a friend or family member. All surrogates undergo a thorough screening process, and all parties must meet certain requirements, including counselling and a legal agreement.
When to Consider Using a Gestational Surrogate
Patients may decide to go through our gestational surrogacy (gestational carrier) program for various reasons. These include:
- Individuals with certain medical conditions
- Individuals with uterine fibroids
- Individuals without a uterus
- Individuals who have had repeated miscarriages
- Individuals or couples who have had multiple failed IVF attempts
- Same-sex couples
- Individuals with increasing maternal age
- Individuals facing unexplained infertility

The Surrogacy Process
Meet Your TRIO Physician
The first step is meeting with your TRIO physician to discuss your needs and options.
Meet Your TRIO Third-Party Coordinator
Following your discussion with your physician, you will be directed to your third-party coordinator. They will provide you with details regarding your options, answer any questions, assist with necessary screenings, and support you throughout the surrogacy process.
Begin the Screening Process
Once you have selected a potential surrogate, your third-party coordinator will begin their screening process. This includes blood work, urine tests, ultrasounds, a sono-hysterogram, toxicology screening, physical examination, counselling, and hormonal testing.
Meet with a Fertility Counsellor
As you explore options for surrogacy, the next important step is the mandatory counselling session. This is typically a 90-minute session, with the possibility of a follow up. Here, you'll delve into the legal framework of surrogacy, clarify roles and responsibilities, and establish communication strategies with your surrogate. This session(s) also offers emotional support, equipping you with coping mechanisms and a clear understanding of what to expect.
Finalize the Legal Agreement
After your prospective surrogate has completed the screening and is medically cleared, you will both work with fertility lawyers and your agency to finalize a legal agreement.
Complete Additional Testing
Patients working with a gestational surrogate will attend a counselling session to ensure readiness and support for the journey. Your third-party coordinator will also discuss any additional medical testing and requirements.
Egg Retrieval (Surrogate/Carrier)
Once your gestational surrogate has been approved, medically cleared, and all legal agreements are signed, they can begin cycle monitoring. They will also start fertility medications to prepare for the embryo transfer. This will help to synchronize their menstrual cycle with that of the patient (or egg donor, if applicable).
Embryo Transfer (Surrogate/Carrier)
Following the egg retrieval, eggs are fertilized with sperm (either from the partner or pre-arranged donor sperm) and developed into blastocysts over five days. These embryos are then transferred into the uterus of the gestational surrogate.
Pregnancy Test and Beyond
Around 10 to 12 days after the embryo transfer, the surrogate will return to TRIO for a beta hCG test to confirm pregnancy. If the test is positive, it will be repeated 2 days later to ensure the hCG levels are rising. The first ultrasound will be scheduled two weeks later. Your surrogate will continue on progesterone support medication until 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. At this point, we will refer the surrogate to an obstetrician/gynecologist (ob/gyn) for continued pregnancy care.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will my potential gestational carrier be screened for disease or other health conditions?
Yes, all gestational surrogates undergo a comprehensive health screening to ensure they meet all requirements and criteria to be a gestational carrier. If your surrogate has a partner, they must also complete required screening, such as blood tests, urine tests, and counselling.
What does it cost to screen a prospective surrogate?
The fee to screen a gestational carrier is $1000 and is non-refundable.
What does the legal process look like?
You and the surrogate must seek legal counsel and establish a legal agreement. At TRIO, we have a list of lawyers we can recommend who can guide you through this process. It’s important that the surrogate and intended parents have different lawyers. If your surrogate has a partner, they must also be involved in the legal agreement.
Patient Stories